Adopt These 9 Money Habits to Increase Your Net Worth
Personal Finance, Investing Ronika Khanna Personal Finance, Investing Ronika Khanna

Adopt These 9 Money Habits to Increase Your Net Worth

The approach of a new year tends to inspire the best intentions. We indulge over the holidays while resolving to be better, healthier, more financially disciplined etc as soon as the year is over. Unfortunately, resolutions tend to fade away as the year progresses and other stresses start to whittle down our willpower.

One way to make our resolutions a bit stickier is to celebrate small wins. If you eat slightly less junk food or exercise a bit more, you can count it as an accomplishment. The positive reinforcement helps to make us feel better, inspire confidence and slowly build habits that makes reaching our goals a bit easier. This is particularly true with financial discipline. It is important to recognize that, like any habit, it is a process that takes time. The good news is that there are tangible metrics to measure your success i.e. your increasing net worth.

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