What is a notice of assessment and How to Handle a request for information
After you file your income tax return Revenue Canada (CRA) and Revenue Quebec (RQ) will send you an acknowledgement (somewhat like a report card) that the return has been received and a detailed breakdown of the tax return that was filed including any discrepancies. It also provides some information pertaining to future years such as limits and carryforwards. The NOA is also referred to as an “avis de cotisation” if your preferred language is French or when you receive one from RQ. Some of the information that can be found on a notice of assessment includes:

Are Clothing and Other Personal Attire Costs Tax Deductible?
Whether an expense is quite clear for the majority of expenses – salaries paid to employees, office rent, manufacturing supplies etc. , there are a handful of expenses that are more ambiguous. One of the more notable (and often asked) examples of this type of expense relate to personal attire including clothing, shoes and other personal maintenance costs (haircuts, beauty products etc)

Guidance on Filing the RL1 Summary and CNESST Salary Declarations
The first important year end deadline for corporations, with employees, is the end of February. Salary declarations including T4 and RL1 (in Quebec) slips and summaries have to be filed with CRA and RQ. While there are numerous payroll software that handle the filing of the T4 and RL1 slips, the RL1 summary is usually left to the employer (and/or their accountants) to file. While a T4 summary is not specifically required if slips are filed electronically, an RL1 summary regardless of the method of filing the RL1 slips i.e. manually or electronically. Additionally, employers in Quebec also have to prepare a year end declaration for CNESST which is Quebec version of workers compensation. As someone who has filed numerous slips, declarations and summaries for clients over the years, I have enumerated some tips on preparing these documents::

12 Tax Tips for the Self Employed
The self-employed lifestyle holds great promise when you first start being self employed, however you quickly find yourself doing things that you would never have dreamed of. You are expected to take on role of salesperson, market researcher, accountant, lawyer and social media expert, while not getting paid for any of it. Your available funds do not allow for outsourcing and at times you are not even aware of what you don’t know. Luckily the internet provides a wealth of tips and tricks to make these tasks easier, and you might actually find that you enjoy taking on some of these challenges. Ensuring that you keep on top of your finances and tax obligations is among the most important of these tasks for which it is essential to have a system in place so that you can maximize tax deductions, minimize taxes payable and reduce amounts that you have to pay to CRA and RQ.

Accounting and Tax Treatment of Computer Hardware and other Fixed Assets
Investment in capital items such as computers, furniture, equipment and cars can cause confusion for small business owners. Since these are purchases that affect the cash flow of the business, it seems that they should be accounted for as expenses similar to office supplies or rent. There are however special rules for any acquisitions that qualify as “fixed assets”. A fixed asset, simply speaking, is an acquisition that provides a long term economic benefit to the business. In other words, any business purchases that has a useful life that extends beyond one year, will usually qualify as a fixed asset. Below I discuss the accounting and tax treatment of fixed assets.

Investment Strategies for Your Incorporated Small Business
One of the benefits of having an incorporated small business is that after paying yourself a salary or dividend any excess funds can be invested directly through the corporation. Since small businesses often cannot predict how their business will perform from year to year, the ability to retain funds in the corporation allows for a cushion to smooth out fluctuations in earnings which can then be paid out in lower performing years. By keeping the funds in the corporation, the business is able to defer tax since usually the small business tax rate is lower than the personal tax rate. Some points to consider:

Why you should register for CRA and RQ My Business Account (and how to do it)
With all data moving to the cloud these days and ubiquitous online access to banking, customer and supplier portals, it makes sense that Revenue Canada (CRA) and Revenue Quebec (RQ) have followed suit. Considerable resources have been spent by the revenue agencies on developing their online portals and encouraging both individual taxpayers and businesses to move the majority of their tax related interactions online (almost every accountant conference has an appearance by a CRA representative talking about the improvements to their online portal and imploring accountants to convince their clients to make the switch). The upfront investment has resulted in significant cost savings for CRA/RQ (postage costs alone have dropped dramatically) while improving accuracy and perhaps most importantly increasing the effectiveness of tax collection efforts. CRA personnel have been able to move away from verifying calculations and manually reviewing tax returns to more value added analysis which has allowed them to identify tax miscreants with higher accuracy.
For both the individual taxpayer and small business owner there are numerous benefits to registering online: