Know Your Small Business Tax Deadlines In 2025
As we approach the new year, it is time to start thinking about a subject near and dear to your heart i.e. taxes (insert appropriate emoji).
Below are the deadlines that all small businesses need to know for 2025.

Guidance on Filing the RL1 Summary and CNESST Salary Declarations
The first important year end deadline for corporations, with employees, is the end of February. Salary declarations including T4 and RL1 (in Quebec) slips and summaries have to be filed with CRA and RQ. While there are numerous payroll software that handle the filing of the T4 and RL1 slips, the RL1 summary is usually left to the employer (and/or their accountants) to file. While a T4 summary is not specifically required if slips are filed electronically, an RL1 summary regardless of the method of filing the RL1 slips i.e. manually or electronically. Additionally, employers in Quebec also have to prepare a year end declaration for CNESST which is Quebec version of workers compensation. As someone who has filed numerous slips, declarations and summaries for clients over the years, I have enumerated some tips on preparing these documents::

Know Your Small Business Tax Deadlines For 2024
As we approach the new year, it will be time soon to start working on everyone’s favourite activity i.e. getting your tax stuff in order :) . Below are the deadlines that all small businesses need to know for 2024.
Download our free Canada unincorporated business tax deadline calendar for 2024 (both Federal and Quebec).

Know Your Small Business Tax Deadlines For 2023
Somehow we are almost one month into 2023 (!) and it is time for business owners (and individuals) to start thinking about one of their favourite subjects i.e. taxes. I have compiled a list of the deadlines that all of you should know and also updated my annual business tax deadline calendar.
Sign up to download our free Canada unincorporated business tax deadline calendar for 2023 or Quebec unincorporated small business tax deadline calendar 2023.

Information on Filing T4s/RL-1s and T4As for Small Business Owners
When I was employee, I never really gave much thought to the T4 (and the Quebec equivalent RL-1) process. I knew that sometime around February an envelope would appear on my desk with a tax document which I would need to reflect on my tax return. I suppose I thought that someone, somewhere pressed a button and the T4s were generated. When I became a small business accountant, who was now either responsible for preparing this information or providing guidance to my clients, I realized that the process was somewhat more complicated.

Know Your Small Business Tax Deadlines For 2022
With the beginning of a new year upon us, tax submission deadlines for individuals and businesses are starting to loom. Every small business owner must adhere to these deadlines or risk facing penalties for late filing of returns plus interest on any overdue balances. Knowing these deadlines can help you ensure that you don’t simply waste your hard earned money and run afoul of CRA and RQ. I have compiled a list of deadlines for all unincorporated small business owners which includes sole proprietors and self employed individuals.
Note that the usual deadline for sales tax (GST/HST and QST) payments and income tax returns is April 30th. However, since this falls on a Saturday, the deadline is pushed to Monday, May 2nd, 2022.