What Types of Advertising/Marketing Expenses Can Small Businesses Deduct?
In the past advertising for small business owners mostly involved ads for print, television or radio (a catchy jingle was always a good way to go), cold calling (rarely a pleasant experience), sending out flyers or courting potential customers at a conference. Unfortunately, these types of advertising were problematic in that it is difficult to gage the direct impact of their effectiveness. Additionally, they were often fairly costly, which can especially difficult for small business owners to afford.
Over the past few years the avenues for advertising have grown exponentially. Many types of advertising don’t even cost anything, except time. You can buy ads on numerous social media outlets that appeal to your target market or if you want to go the free route, you can set up a social media account, post regularly and build an audience. Alternatively, you can set up a website which you can then optimize so that google and other search engines display it when someone is looking for your product or service. Email newsletters are also another effective and direct way of reaching potential buyers. One of the great benefits of these types of advertising is that you are better able to monitor the effectiveness of your chosen strategy.

Are Gifts to customers and business associates deductible expenses?
Giving gifts to clients or customers can be a great way to build goodwill, foster customer loyalty and differentiate yourself from your competition. Gifts can be anything from a simple bouquet of flowers to something a bit more personalized based on your knowledge of the customer (it can be useful to listen carefully or probe gently to find out what your customers might want as a thoughtful gift can be tremendously impactful). A gift can be given around the holidays, on birthdays, after closing a sale or any other time as a simple thank you. Of course, if you are buying gifts on behalf of your business, it is important to understand if they qualify as tax deductible expenses and it what circumstances.

8 Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Services
One of the most daunting aspects of starting a new small service based business is building a client base (and nothing is quite so exciting as getting those first few clients). When trying to generate new business, it is important to cast a wide net as you never know where potential clients may be lurking. Once you have established your business, you will discover the methods that work best for you and you can finesse your marketing strategy. You can also choose to be more selective as you determine which type of client is the best fit for your business.
There are many ways to build a client base, even with limited resources, some of which are discussed below:

24 Cost Effective Ways to Promote Your Small Business
After thinking long and hard you have decided that is time to launch your own business. You have a great product or service, you’ve come up with a compelling business name, all the paperwork has been filed and you have picked out the perfect location (or setup a snazzy new home office). All pieces are in place for your new independent life as a business owner. And then you realize that nobody except your spouse, family members and possibly your cat knows about your new venture. So, how do you bring your fabulous new product or service to your target market's attention? One way is to use the “build it and they will come” approach. This is usually not particularly effective (even Google, who historically launches products with little fanfare, could benefit from a little more marketing). The other, more effective approach is to get out there and promote your business. Of course in the initial stages, marketing budgets tend to be minuscule. On the other hand, many new business owners have time on their hands, while they wait to be deluged by orders. Below is a list of 24 cost effective ways to promote your small business:

The William Shatner Guide to Business Diversification
I recently spent “an evening with William Shatner” in Montreal , courtesy of a Groupon deal which offered tickets at less than half of the face price. Not being a trekkie or a rabid fan, I was not intimately familiar with his body of work. I had however seen enough of him to know that he was a funny and charismatic man, so I was interested to see what an “evening” with him would entail.
The show, which was 3 hours long (far exceeding my expectations) had the 80 year old Shatner recounting carefully selected stories about his past, while an interviewer occasionally prodded and guided him. Mr. Shatner did not disappoint – he was self-deprecating, eloquent and entertaining. And, while the stories were meant to reflect positively on his life, his career and choices were also indicative of an extremely ambitious individual who had spent a lifetime seizing opportunities. The results of his attitude of saying “Yes”, which he is trying to inspire in others through his show and latest book "Shatner Rules", have contributed to a fascinating, multi-faceted career and, perhaps unexpectedly, have led to a very diverse set of properties and holdings, some of which include: